


intuitive design

High Impact tech

Rapid Prototypes

Quality Skills & Equal Opportunity
For Every Human on Earth

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Press Kit

Learning Economy Foundation


To translate leading edge technologies into transformative learning and economic systems that promote equity, mobility, privacy, and individual agency to radically improve lives throughout the world.

Thanks for joining our journey.

Reach out: duncan@learningeconomy.io
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Latest News
For inquiries, please contact: press@learningeconomy.io
In The Press
Analog's Initiatives
Lost Poets, Crown Anthologies, Words with Queens & Kings, Global Action Platform, TEDxNashville, TEDxVeniceBeach, World in 2050, Global Talent Summit,
Lost Poets, Crown Anthologies,
Global Action Platform, Global Talent Summit, World
“Reach. Never stop reaching.  
When you think
there is nothing left to grab,
there is always more.  
The universe is infinite
and still unfolding,
and even as you see creation undone,
it is all the while
birthing something new,
something further,
something reachable.”

-- Analog (My First Poem)
Op-Eds & Features
For  inquiries, please contact: press@learningeconomy.io
Analog's Initiatives
Lost Poets, Crown Anthologies, Words with Queens & Kings, Global Action Platform, TEDxNashville, TEDxVeniceBeach, World in 2050, Global Talent Summit,
Lost Poets, Crown Anthologies,
Global Action Platform, Global Talent Summit, World
“Reach. Never stop reaching.  
When you think
there is nothing left to grab,
there is always more.  
The universe is infinite
and still unfolding,
and even as you see creation undone,
it is all the while
birthing something new,
something further,
something reachable.”

-- Analog (My First Poem)
Fact Sheets
Analog's Initiatives
Lost Poets, Crown Anthologies, Words with Queens & Kings, Global Action Platform, TEDxNashville, TEDxVeniceBeach, World in 2050, Global Talent Summit,
Lost Poets, Crown Anthologies,
Global Action Platform, Global Talent Summit, World
Press Resources
“Reach. Never stop reaching.  
When you think
there is nothing left to grab,
there is always more.  
The universe is infinite
and still unfolding,
and even as you see creation undone,
it is all the while
birthing something new,
something further,
something reachable.”

-- Analog (My First Poem)
Executive Bios & Headshots
For  inquiries, please contact: press@learningeconomy.io

What We're up Against



Skills Gap

Educating with 19th century tools, in 20th century classrooms, to learn 21st century skills doesn't work.

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position



Controlling data and information stifles innovation and coordination. Data should be fuel for the commonwealth.

I'm in
yeah, right→
our position



Blockchain is largely misunderstood due to bad actors, lack of regulation, and poor communication.

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position



Discrimination in education and hiring ignores true merit and skills for unfair bias, undermining the commonwealth.

I'm in
yeah, right→
our position

Alien Age

One Size Fits All

Believing all children need to have the same skills at the same level due to  a child's age, stifles all who do not conform, by limiting creativity and putting them in boxes.

I'm in
yeah, right→
our position

Professor Oneway

Linear Learning

Teaching there is only one way to develop skills or telling rather than letting them do, stifles skill development and limits children's critical thinking and self motivation for learning.

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position

Doctor Pressure Test

Old Models

Forcing children to sit alone in dark school rooms and squeeze everything they know through a small pipe, stifles learning energy, collaboration and creativity.

I'm in
yeah, right→
our position

President Negative

Self Doubt

Telling children they can’t do things before they have tried them sows seeds of doubt and stifles problem solving and critical thinking. 

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position

Learning economy foundation

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